Cannabis Species Inflorescence


Based on the comment received, Cannabis Species Inflorescence monograph has been revised as follows.

  1. The Identification section has been revised to clarify that the requirements are met by complying with the Identification A for botanical characteristics (macroscopic and microscopic features), and one of the following: Identification B for HPTLC, Identification C for HPLC, or Identification D for GC.

  2. A new method has been included for the Loss on Drying. The method is performed under vacuum at 40° for 24 h to avoid potential loss and other degradation not related to loss of water from decarboxylation of acidic cannabinoids and loss of terpenes. Loss on Drying is included as a Specific Test and serves as an independent quality parameter.  

  3. The proposal does not require "on the dried basis" for expression of...